• Python | Django | RESTful API | C++ | Tenserflow | MariaDB | MSSQL | Node | SQLite | JavaScript | OpenCV | NoSQL | OOP | Git

• Automation | Image Processing | Embedded Systems | Backend | Full-Stack | Linux | Embedded C |

Mert Demirezen

Electrical Electronics Engineer

white ceramic mug beside black computer keyboard
white ceramic mug beside black computer keyboard


person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer
File Organizer

Wow, isn't the downloads folder just an absolute mess? Is it like a crazy jungle in there?

Python script that automates the organization of files in a directory by categorizing them into specific subdirectories based on their file types. It utilizes the Watchdog library to monitor directory changes and perform file sorting.

Technologies Used:

Programming Languages: Python

Libraries & Tools : Watchdog library

Categorizes files into various categories, including Pictures, Videos, Music, Documents, Sound Effects, Torrents, and 3D Printer Files.

Supports a wide range of file types such as Images (jpg, jpeg, png, gif), Videos (mp4, avi, mov), Audio (mp3, wav, m4a), Documents (doc, pdf, xls), and 3D Printer Files (stl, f3d).

Automatically creates destination subdirectories if they do not exist.

Logs file movements for easy tracking.

Github: https://github.com/demirezenmert/File-Organizer

Finance Manager Automation

Are you spending way too much money?

Developed a Python script for automating the categorization and updating of financial transactions in Google Sheets, enhancing efficiency in managing personal finances.

Technologies Used:

Programming Languages: Python

Libraries & Tools: gspread, CSV processing, Regular Expressions

Implemented CSV file parsing and data manipulation using Python, including category classification of transactions.

Utilized the gspread library for seamless integration with Google Sheets API.

Designed a flexible system capable of handling various transaction categories, including monthly payments, subscriptions, and groceries.

Github: https://github.com/demirezenmert/FinanceManagerAutomation

Flashcard App
Snake Game

Ready to challenge yourself ?!

Classic Snake game using the Turtle graphics library in Python.

Technologies Used:

Programming Languages: Python

Libraries & Tools : Turtle graphics library

  • Snake class for controlling the snake's movement and growth.

  • Food class for generating random food for the snake to eat.

  • ScoreBoard class for keeping track of the player's score and displaying it on the screen.

  • Persistent high score stored in data.txt.

  • Game over when the snake collides with the walls or itself.

Github: https://github.com/demirezenmert/snakegame

How fast are your fingers ? !

Typing Speed Tester is a Python-based application that helps users improve their typing speed and accuracy. The application offers three difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Users can track their scores and improve their typing skills through a series of timed tests.

Github: https://github.com/demirezenmert/TypingSpeedTest

Typing Speed Tester

About Me

I am Mert Demirezen, I am a seasoned Software Automation Engineer with a profound passion for crafting efficient and reliable software solutions through automation, with a background in electric electronic engineering. Across various industries, I have focused on improving software quality and driving innovation by refining my skills.

white and black laptop
white and black laptop

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